About Us
We have been supplying the parts to the customers primarily in the US and a few other countries since 2002. We have supplied big and small steam boiler tanks, various heating elements, bulb and cap, and disc thermostats, probe temp. sensors, programmable control boards (custom made and industry standards), laser cut parts, vacuum formed thermoplastic parts, spin formed caps, bearings, and even product logo labels and printed marketing materials for the customer needs.
We are located about 90 miles south of Seoul in the city of Daejeon where many South Korea's high tech research labs and institutions are located nearby.
Our address:
646 Daejeon-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon City, Apt 102-901, South Korea (Seoul), Postal Code: 34636
Phone Number: +82 10-5408-3162
Email Address: transpacificsupply@gmail.com